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How Long Should a Commercial Roofing Bid Take?

How Long Should a Commercial Roofing Bid Take?


When it comes to bidding on your commercial or industrial roof, the general consensus is that you want to get 3 bids in order to ensure you’re getting a fair and competitive bid for your roof leak.

We’ve been in the industry long enough and have come again other Omaha Commercial Roofers to know the general amount of time it takes to get a commercial roofing bid.

In this post we’ll discuss the average time to get a bid and why some companies take less time and others take more time.

Average Time of a Commercial Roofing Bid

When you call an industrial or commercial roofer, it’s often because you have a leak that needs to be addressed quickly. If you’re lucky enough to receive a call back on the same business day then usually within a week you can coordinate a time for them to inspect your roof.

From that point it could take a week to schedule a time and then about another week or two for the roofer to compile photos, estimate labor/materials, and then put it together in a comprehensive bid.

On average we have seen it taking the majority of commercial roofers about 2-3 weeks to return a bid.


Why Some Roofing Bids Are Much Faster

We have heard of some commercial or industrial roofers giving same day or instantaneous bids using satellite data. This is a very appealing approach because it’s likely automated with their software/technology to give you a quick ballpark.

The problem with going this route is a roof is extremely nuanced. You have to consider the entirety of the roof and that’s really hard to do if you never step a foot on the roof. 

Oftentimes, then, these commercial roofers are over estimating on the costs to make up for any potential unforeseen circumstances.


Why Some Roofing Bids Are Much Slower

Listen, we’ll be the first to acknowledge that our industry is not known for phenomenal customer service. The truth is that many commercial roofers are simply disorganized and/or don’t have tools to help keep track of their pipeline.

Customer details are taken on their phones or piece of paper with no deadline or follow up notifications. It’s hard stay on top of customer communication when you’re solely relying on your memory.

In this case, it’s often the prospective client that has to reach back out to “remind” their roofing contractor about waiting on a bid. When this happens the bidding process naturally takes longer- sometimes up to 6 weeks from the initial contact.

We encourage prospective clients to consider the length of time it took to receive a bid and what that might imply about the prospective roofer.


Armour Roof Co. takes great pride in being able to give timely responses and timely estimates for roof leaks. We can typically schedule a roof walk and give an estimate within a week. 

This includes a detailed roof inspection with photos and professional recommendations specific to your roof. Please reach out if you’d like to get started- (402) 289-7869.
